My Social Media and Job Detox Reflection
One Thursday night I was facing my fears. I had been going
through a Dream Sprint (more on that in another post). As the fears were addressed,
I felt this blackness leave my soul. My instructor then guided me into a
meditation where I faced my fear and acknowledged it. I saw my fear as a very
creepy creature. Black as its entire being.
When my meditation was complete, I ended up in tears. I felt so free. Nothing
could hold me back from my dreams any longer. It was time to grow and let go.
I woke up that Friday at my usual time, 5:45 and carried my tired body to my closet, bathroom, kitchen, then my car. I drove to work enjoying the sunrise and all the foggy glory.

I kept my mind focused that day of work and I was excited for it to be the weekend. I had exciting plans ahead. My heart was telling me, “I think it’s time for a social media detox.”
I went on Facebook and Instagram and wrote, “give me your cell #s. Detox begins Monday.”
The workday went on and my Supervisor called me into her office. She announced me that I had been laid off. I teared up a little, scared of not having financial stability. She then guided me toward Unemployment, and we cleared out my cubicle in the last hour.
Heartbroken, but secretly relieved of leaving a toxic work environment, I did the usual on the weekend to remain positive. Cosplayed, got rid of unnecessary stuff in my room and I even began a new series for my Youtube Channel. THE SIMS TINY HOMES!!
Check it out:
My weekend was full of the usual antics, dressing up with friends. Some of my girlfriends talk for hours about psychology and just seem to not get enough. We went to the Punk Rock Flea Market. It was fun and extremely unique. Then I cleaned my room. Three trash bags and 5 donation bags later!

My first week was full of mostly positive outcomes. I had many dates with my female friends for Valentine’s Day. It was a very female empowering week for me. I didn’t have internet so letting go of social media was a bit easier than I thought. It meant that if I wanted to use social media, I’d have to plan for it and do it at Coffee N Comics.
Most of the week was battling trial and error over my Youtube video. It was a long and difficult journey, but I never gave up! My first week was full of having restless nights, but once I was asleep, I slept well. Many days I wrote what I was grateful for and focused on the law of attraction. It’s heavily improved my mental well-being.

Reno, NV 89511
Through this detox I ended up understanding and trusting my body more. If I was hungry, I’d eat. If I was tired, I’d sleep, etc. I even revisited my love for cooking healthy delicious food.
I did have some road bumps the first week. I had to revisit social media because some friends forgot about my detox and I even forgot to save people’s numbers that they sent me.
I discovered a delicious unique ice cream place and even revisited some of my favorite foundations for art. The movie Maleficent and Tron: Legacy. I pulled out my old DVDs since I had no internet.
A female friend came into town and ended up being my Valentine. We had a blast playing games at Coffee N Comics.
That Saturday, my brother helped me find another way to help my detox. He is a man who works tireless hours at work and does not have time to read more than 5 words in a text. More than 5 words in a text is too much and too difficult to focus on. On one of my detox nights I spent two hours deleting and rewording a 300 word text that in all honesty should have taken me five minutes and shortened to 5—10 words. I now feel that if a text last more than 10 words, maybe it should be in your private journal instead of an overthought message to friends. If your thoughts are so important, and there’s a lot of them… just call your person!

I ended the week with a fun night out with Cosplay for Kindness at a children’s Valentine’s day event. I wore my Lolita dress. Then I went to go watch Birds of Prey in theaters. I knew I’d be seeing it alone, so I decided to bring lots of cute plushies along. It was the first time I ever saw a movie alone and I don’t regret it.
Week 2 began. I had begged to get internet back and my wish was granted! I immediately worked on my website’s new design. It’s taken me days, but I am so excited to share how beautiful this new piece is. I then ended up going to the Apple store and recycled my old Macbook Air. I was so sad to let it go, but I was not using it to benefit myself. I now have become obsessed with buying an iPad Air for Procreate. This obsession will not leave my head. It’s leading to desire and frustration.

In the middle of the week I was so heated and wanted to fight everyone. The smallest of things made me cry. Like a cute picture of a bunny. I was very fortunate to not pay too much attention to Facebook at that time, or I would have burned a lot of unnecessary bridges. Rabid angry squirrel, watch out!
That Thursday I got up early (so proud of myself) and I stopped by Coffee and Comics before the radio show. The show was cancelled, so I ended up reflecting for an hour and delivered coffee to sweet Shelby. After that I disappeared from the face of the earth (except on my stream) and kept my head down for the HUSTLE. I posted on Youtube, I streamed and even planned my new blog posts. This girl focused on becoming a true GIRLBOSS. I even found movies that inspired me enough to draw and cosplay.
Then Sunday came and my heart told me to finally go outside. I went for a walk and bonded with my female friends some more. I then went home and had a video game invite from an old co-worker. I met some of his friends and we ended up going on a spontaneous trip to eat chicken tenders. It was a great end to my detox.

In summation, I do not think that I would have been able to get this much done with being cozy to Facebook. There was a day where I even scrolled endlessly for about 45 minutes and my feed was full of negativity and limiting beliefs/people putting themselves down. I felt so groggy whenever I allowed myself to be involved in social media. During this detox I gave myself the space I needed to discover my true wants, desires and foundations. I trust myself. I only contact people for the important things. I will sometime dabble in something small with my friends, but after 45 minutes of screwing around, my brain refocuses on my tasks.
Sure, I’ve been working around the clock, but I do not feel cluttered or worn out anymore. I also feel like these two weeks have been the most productive in a long time. My desire to screw around is less and my goals are solid. All I desire now is genuine relationships that are in person and I can’t focus on helping others unless I begin with helping myself.
My social media detox was a success and I truly believe that I don’t really need social media often unless it’s to contact someone quickly or update my progress on my projects. I feel so free. I now only check social media for events I want to participate in.
My next goals are:
Finish my site
Post every Monday for my blog
Post every Tuesday my Siege or Borderlands Videos
Stream every Wednesday and Thursday
Post sims videos every Thursday
Have fun on Fridays and Saturdays
Detox and clean/rest on Sundays
Note: My website is still under construction (as of Feb 24 2020) so please only focus on just my blog today.
Cosplay for Kindness:
Icecycle Creamery:
Coffee N’ Comics:
My Twitch Account:
Discussion: What part of you do you need to work on most? Do you need a detox? Why or why not? Have you ever detoxed? What are your results?