Five Early 2000’s Alt-Rock Bands to get you in the eerie October mood!
Five Early 2000’s Alt-Rock Bands to get you in the eerie October mood!

These bands are all very particular. Most of these groups all have vocals you can understand and there’s little to no screaming involved. Some of these groups are fairly underrated to me but allow me to enter a spooky adventure type of mood. Keep in mind that this article is very opinionated and based off perspective. This is also a HUGE blast from the past. You’re more than welcome to disagree or be excited toward my opinion in the comments down below!
Aiden is like the baby of AFI and the Misfits. To me this is a band is one of the few emo rock music bands that aged well. It is surprising because Misfits did not age well in terms of vocal quality in recordings. I think their EP with “White Wedding” and “Die Die My Darling” is excellent. I personally feel like I am sitting under a tree in a graveyard. The lighting is green and I’m ready to bounce around in my platform shoes. It also has some sweet elements of romance. I think if I ever got married, their version of “White Wedding” would be mine. However, I’m not in that life stage quite yet. I feel like most 2000’s rock music aged fairly terribly, but Aiden is still somehow quite enjoyable. “We Sleep Forever,” has quite a bouncy introduction! There isn’t a whole lot of screaming vocally, but a lot of hype. I guess another feeling they give me is a super casual 1950’s zombie horror film. It’s just… right. Spooky. Romantic. Their EP and their album, “Conviction” are my most recommended as albums. I have yet a chance to give later albums a listen. I’m biased on music years. Did I ever mention Aiden has been friends with Jeffree Star? I think that’s incredibly awesome, but am not sure if they’re friends anymore. I hope they are! A Candlelight Intro on the EP will throw you right into the vibe of Aiden. Start from track one! Best of luck.

My Chemical Romance
Probably the one of the most heard of on this list if you’re partial to the late 2000’s rock music. My Chemical Romance was a staple to the “Emo” generation. However, the really funny part is when you learn emo culture, MCR is a very small catalyst of comparison into the emo culture. The real staples of emo are bands gets super in-depth. Some of the most popular band merchandise was Bullet for my Valentine, Paramore and The Used when it came to Emo culture. My information is only supported by selfies of internet famous emo/scene kids. Not actual research. I personally believe that MCR was more of a catapult into later Millennial Gothic culture. It like… changed the beginner emos into goths somehow. Those who loved Paramore turned more into raver kids. However, this is very opinionated and your experience may be different!
The reason why MCR is great for October is the lyrics in the songs. The lyrics are immersive and take you into a whole different perspective into someone’s life. It’s quite fascinating. If you pay attention to the lyrics of a few of the songs, a lot of it is horror-inspired and based off serial killers and kiss the idea of death almost like it’s something to fall in love with. It’s so odd… but are healthy songs to listen to when coping with stress. The song “It’s Not a Fashion Statement, It’s a Death Wish,” is about a serial killer who murders people, then wears their skin as an identity for their next victim. It’s so obscure. A bit nutty, but is also a reference to a modern Jack the Ripper. Like.. WHO does that? MCR does! My biggest recommendation is to listen to the album “Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge.” It’s super inspired by horror films and history as I referenced earlier. If you come across The Black Parade album, make sure to avoid Welcome to the Black Parade and Teenagers for a few days. The rest of the album will give you chills. I think Sleep and Cancer are the ones that make me shiver to my core. TBP isn’t like Three Cheers’s horror. The subjects are different as they are facing daily real-world issues. “I don’t love you like I did yesterday.” Their first album is very well-done but a bit sloppy. that particular album did not age in physical recording quality. However, if you need something angsty, yes. You go listen to the song about a man who killed his wife by drugging her. There’s even a song in reference to the tragedy on 9/11 in New York! “Skylines and Turnstiles”.
I Am Ghost

This band was on of the most popular in the famous Vampirefreaks times. This band helped me feel my inner goth and inner Vampire during my transformation young kid Baby Bat Goth days. The Denouement is an instrumental track that makes you feel like you’re in Dracula’s castle if you’re creative enough to imagine it. It’s slightly spooky, but I wrote a vampire novel inspired by it. When this band isn’t making you think of vampires and coffins, they are making you feel like you’re at a dark carnival. It’s immersive and quite beautiful. This particular band has a bit of emotional screaming. You have been warned if you don’t like screams. It’s October, though. Have a little life!
A great song to help immerse yourself and get an idea for any of their music would possible be “Don’t Wake Up.” The reason I mention this is because if you listen to “Killers like Candy” you only get one vibe of the band. But this band is so versatile with soft tones and rough tones. There’s a female vocalist, a screamer and lead vocalist. There are songs in here with piano and more subtle sadness like, “This is Home.” It can take a few songs to warm up to them. I think “Our Friend Lazarus Sleeps” was really nice at the time, but as an adult it didn’t age well. If I first heard them now my thoughts would be, “Nah. This is lame.” As a young excited teen though, I was open to any and all music. If you view I Am Ghost as album wholes and a story to be told, you may as well end up tragically crying. This is a group that will make you feel emotions you’ve been afraid to face yourself. It’s wonderful. Aiden and I am Ghost are comparable in music style on Spotify interestingly enough as well.
The Birthday Massacre

Yes. Just. Yes. TBM has more of a lay in the grass and be romantic feeling. Sara Elaine Taylor, also known as “Chibi” has such an enchanting voice. I always want to gaze at the stars when she sings. The album covers make you feel like you’re in a serene meadow. Or as if the love of your life is going to caress your cheek and give you a kiss. There is just something completely and utterly magical about the Birthday Massacre’s feeling. This is a band that makes me want to put on my favorite platform shoes, my striped tights and Wednesday Addams dress. It’s pure industrial bliss. “Falling Down,” expresses my need for sleep. This was also another popular Vampirefreaks band and is one of the more popular modern Goth bands. However, as the years go, this band seems to disappear. If you find a longtime Goth, they will know them well and probably like them, too. I have never found a TBM hater quite yet. They synth noises remind me of sweet bugs in bushes while relaxing. The bass is so relaxing and definitely a great band to slow dance to at Halloween parties! Get your enchanted romance on.
Dope Stars Inc.
This band is really great if you love techno noises and bit bashes thrown into. There’s a massively grungy messy feel to DSI. I would pair this with The Birthday Massacre. It’s a similar genre, but with very different angle. The song “Digital Warriors,” is all about cyber hackers. It totally supports the feeling of Cyberpunk. Unfortunately, as this band progressed and aged, their momentum died. The albums “Make a Star,” and “21st Century Slave” are the most appealing and easy to listen to. “Ultrawired” and “Terapunk” are very difficult to have the patience for. There’s a few gems, but you must dig deep. Viktor Love, the frontman just seemed to have lost his lyrical and melodic touch for me. “It’s Today,” will always pull at my heart, though. The lyrics feel as smooth as silk and the crazy adventures that my mind loops into while hearing that album makes me hope for a wonderful cyberpunk future. “Neuromantics,” helps me imagine waking up at the bottom of an industrial pit as a broken robot. Then the music progresses as I, the robot, gets back on my feet to battle something. It’s a whole different world when Dope Stars Inc. is showing you perspective. What adventures will this dancey techno take you?! Give them a few chances. It’s worth it.
Honorable Mention: Ghost
I feel like Ghost is the modern and most popular of the bands listed here now. This band did not become popular until after 2010. That is about the time where my musical taste cut off from rock. Ghost has a more… royal chapel feel to them. They’re funky, fun and easy to jam to. “Cirise” is my personal favorite. I added a few of their most popular songs into my Spotify playlist.
Happy Halloween Cactus Bbs and Beautisquirrels!
Discussion piece:
Have you heard of any of these bands? Did you decide to explore any of them unfamiliar? What do you feel with this music in your ears? Here is the playlist below to kind of help guide you. I added a few bands in, but kept them minimal.
Amazing song set!